Welcome to the blog!

Hi, I’m Melanie, thanks for stopping by. If you don’t know me yet, check out my Artist’s Statement and Bio here and do sign up for my email newsletter if you want to be updated on new blog posts, events or when new work is added to my online shop.

So, a blog? Really?

Well, in case you didn’t know I’ve had, not one, but two wildly successful blogs in my past. Does my sarcasm come through the internet? As a kid in my early 20s I kept two different travel blogs. The first, Melanie From Far Far Away, detailed a fun summer studying abroad in France. It’s basically a dreadfully boring diary, but my parents loved it! The second, Jungle Funk, followed me during 5 months living in Thailand studying wild gibbons. That one is probably cool based on location alone. Also, I detailed my adventures in cooking many different things in a rice cooker, as we had no stove or kitchen for that matter.

Here’s the deal, I love to write and I have used Instagram as a platform to share both my visual art and my words around the art, the process, etc. Recently, my posts reach so few people and they are so fleeting. The platform is really not built for longevity. So, I thought I would start keeping some longer form posts available here on my website, especially for content or information that deserves a longer shelf life or ongoing reference. This is partly inspired by the fact that my Framing Guide* is surprisingly popular despite not being linked anywhere except Pinterest and partly inspired by a recent Laura Horn Art Podcast, “Blogging is Not Dead”. I’ll likely be sharing about one post per month and the intended audience is art lovers, art collectors and artists.

Thanks for following along!

*Stay tuned, the Framing Guide is going to get a makeover on the blog at some point in the next year…


What is the perfect painting?